Be DAREful

The following is a guest post by Jen Whalen of True North Adventures, an organization designed to help women get back into alignment with their authentic selves through intentional outdoor experiences. In April of 2018, TNA will take a group of DAREful women to Costa Rica for a week-long surf, yoga, and self-care immersion.

Read more about Be DAREful Costa Rica at


"How to be DAREful" by Jen Whalen 

As I lowered down off of a recent gym climb, I smiled, feeling that familiar surge of energy… pumped forearms, rapid heartbeat.  As my swollen, chalky fingers fumbled with untying my knot, I said to my belayer, “Good thing I mock-led that one as I was falling all over the place!” She laughed in disbelief and said, “You didn’t fall once! Are you serious?!?”

I was serious. I barely believed I could climb that challenging route when I grabbed the first hold 10 minutes earlier.  Kilian and I were just “monkeying around” with the possibilities on the far edge of my climbing ability as we waited for our climbing instructor to finish up with another pair, so I went for it.  From my perspective, I thought I hacked my way up it and fell off several times along the way. However, my belayer, who was intentionally observing for feedback regarding clipping and body positioning, witnessed me sticking the whole thing.  I let myself really go for it on a climb I would usually have walked right past, and despite my efforts to sabotage it by not owning the achievement, I actually did it!!!  I thought I had a good sense of my learning edge, (what was possible and what was beyond my reach) but as I’m noticing  in other areas of life as well, perhaps that isn’t always accurate…


As I sat down to write about the experience afterward,  two strong questions came through, “What would my life look like if I let myself really fucking go for it as I did on that last climb?  AND What would it look like if I surrounded myself with a loving community that held me accountable for living in this way?” I noted areas where I was willing to take more risks and would likely see “bigger” results (as was the case with the climbing route that evening). However, the other areas on the list involved “big” inner risks like trusting my wise Inner Knowing and following her lead instead of hiding out in what is comfortable, saying NO more often, and prioritizing more time/space for excellent self-care, etc.


We have hundreds of choices throughout our day in which we can be DAREful and live in alignment with our heart.  It’s not always the big, impressive feats of obvious boldness and badassery that matter most… it’s also all the little ways we’re taking the time to show up for ourselves and live in alignment with our souls. Life definitely looks differently when I really let myself go for it.  My YESes are clear and feel like empowered choices where I’ve intentionally engaged with the adventure of my life.  And the Sacred NOs feel equally as clear.  I’m not backpedaling on what I need or want when other people’s priorities scream louder.  Instead, I’m listening deeply to the wisdom of my body and Soul and honoring that Inner Knowing instead of constantly calibrating my life by the expectations, shoulds and unsolicited, often fear-based advice of others.  


In April, we’re taking these same experiential practices of DAREful living from the mountains to the beach with our week-long surf/yoga/Self care immersion in beautiful Bahia Ballena, Costa Rica.  If you’re curious to learn more about this amazing adventure, click here. (link:   What would being DAREful look like in your life? Whether its joining us in Costa Rica or saying YES to another beautiful adventure, it’s my deepest hope you’ll experiment with making tiny changes that support you in living more DAREfully today.  This is where the magic is at, and I would be honored to join you in the rising tide of women holding each other accountable for “going for it” in this way.  


Curious to learn more? Set up an exploration call with Jen at JEN@SEEKTRUENORTH.COM

Restival = Retreat + Festival

"Restival - the exclusive love child of a retreat and a festival - is held in a secret space for up to 90 people amidst the beauty of nature in the land of the Navajo" 



“Restival takes wild wellness to another level with an an exclusive annual desert gathering in Arizona where eco-luxe means going off grid deep in nature on sacred Navajo land doing yoga, meditation, sweat lodges, art, music and astronomy. Plus there’s a spa. Accommodation is luxurious individual tipis with hot showers. For an intellectually and spiritually nourishing escape.”
— Wall Street Journal, February 2017

I heard of Restival just last year. The festival/retreat hybridization appealed to me, and its founding mission spoke to me. Its secrecy piqued my interest; its focus on physical and spiritual well-being intrigued me. Naturally, I wanted to learn more, so I contacted Restival's founder, Caroline Jones, to learn more about Restival's mission. 

Restival is an immersive experience that takes place outside of Flagstaff, Arizona (secret spot!). Its mission is two-fold: to present an antidote to modern living and the fast-paced world we live in; to help indigenous wisdom stay alive through education.

I learned that Restival is a forum for non-native and native people to come together to peace, harmony, and with the desire to reconnect with themselves and nature. The Navajo are invited to stay in camp, and guests shouldn't be surprised if they learn about the Four Sacred Directions over breakfast. By the end of the weekend, guests will also have the option of learning Navajo Peacemaking, Horsemanship, Art, Storytelling, Astronomy, as well as many greetings and words from the Navajo language. In addition to immersive cultural activities, attendees can enjoy daily yoga, spa, and wellness experiences while staying in luxury accommodations to rejuvenate the spirit, disconnect from distraction, and to connect to themselves. 

The Basics: 

  • Restival takes place over two sessions: September 14-19 and September 21-26
  • Choose from several Eco Luxe accommodations - all modeled after traditional Navajo tipis  
  • Each ticket is all inclusive and priced per person; tickets range from $1,800-$2,950
  • Three nutritionally balanced meals/day; snacks, coffee, juices, water 24/7
  • Yoga and meditation are included in the price, and there are several other add-ons to choose from, such as acupuncture, Navajo healing, craniosacral and shiatsu therapy, thai mssage, reiki healing, clairvoyant readings, reflexology, life coaching, transformational Navajo sweat lodges, and flotation tank experiences. 

If you're interested in Restival, please visit And, if you book tickets, please enter the code EVERTHRIVE at check out for a discount! The first 10 to book will receive 20% off their ticket price.  

Experiences such as Restival can help us take a break from living in the moment. Choosing to attend Restival is just one of the ways we can consciously decide to "Take the Slow Way."

In our hectic lives, we seem to move very quickly. We are constantly bombarded with information, tasks, and noise. If you’re like me, most days I strive to get as much done as possible. Before I realize it, mornings turn into evenings; my alarm clock seems to wake me up right after my head hits the pillow. And, during the night, I often experience anxiety dreams where I have to reach some kind of goal and I simply cannot accomplish it.

All these are results of pursuing what I like to call a “carpe diem” sort of life, where I try to accomplish so many things by “living in the moment,” a mantra for many. However, “seizing the day,” or rather, “capturing the day,” only helps us to conquer, subdue, and even kill our days instead of actually living them. Living in the moment offers nothing to alleviate stress, over-stimulation, and noise from our lives.

Sometimes it’s necessary to take a break from living in the moment. Sometimes it’s necessary to “take the slow way.”
— "Take the Slow Way" on Everthrive

Everthrive stands behind Restival's goal in connecting guests with themselves, nature, and traditional ways of life.